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Important things to know before your appointment and aftercare instructions

    The area treated may show redness and swelling and the colour may look darker and more intense than desired – this is very normal. Additional treatments cannot be undertaken until the area has completely healed and that time frame is at the discretion of the technician. A 4 to 6 week healing time is required before any further work can be done. In order to let your brows heal well avoid water on the brow area, makeup on the brow area, the gym, a sauna or swimming pool for 7 days. Once the area has completely healed (approximately one week) you may consider wearing sunblock on the treated area to reduce colour fading due to the sun although we recommend avoiding sun exposure for 2 full weeks after your services. Once completely healed you should wear sunblock on your brows (applied during your skin care routine) to protect your results from prematurely fading. Strong chemicals, Glycolic Acids or peels of any kind may cause lightening of the pigments. Always call and check with your technician if in any doubt prior to usage of these skin products or procedures. DO NOT PICK OR PULL at the treated area as it will result in pigment loss or scarring. We can tell when the area has been picked or scratched at. YOU WILL GO THROUGH 3 HEALING PHASES: 1-HEAL, 2- PEEL, 3-FADE You may notice whiteness or blanching around the area – this is quite normal and will subside with in 12 hours and is due to the Lidocaine. If you have any lymphatic fluid (plasma) or blood weeping from the area you may gently clean the area with saline, cool pre-boiled water and gauze blotting gently dry to remove any moisture. With clean hands and a cotton swab you may apply a fine layer of after care balm to the treated area. Repeat this treatment up to 3 times daily if the area feels tight. Some clients report seeing the ink fade almost completely then reappearing. This is not uncommon and sometimes part of the healing phase. After the fine scabbing has sloughed away you will see a different hue to the colour implanted. IMPORTANT FACTS: *Giving Blood – The Red Cross has suggested that you do not give blood for 6 months following your procedure. *MRI Scans – This procedure shows up as and artifact on these scans. Some clients may experience a tingling sensation. Please notify your radiologist. *Injectables – Dermal fillers and Botox can alter the shape of the eyebrows. The client should be advised that injectables should be carried out after a microblading procedure and not prior to. *Laser/Pulsed Light – Laser or pulsed light hair removal or skin rejuvenation can cause color change. It is important to advise the technician that you have had the Microblading procedure as this cannot be rectified with another Microblading procedure. This is a TATTOO and a WOUND. The end outcome depends on how well you care for it. It is essential to follow these post care instructions. The slightest hindrance can compromise the outcome of your tattoo. Day 1 (Day of Treatment): Blot Brows all day today to remove any Lymphatic fluid buildup. (oily and dry skin) Day 2-10 - Oily skin: Dry healing. Rinse brows only 1-2 times a day. Apply cream very sparingly only as needed or if itchy. Day 2 - 10 - Dry and Normal Skin: Rinse 3 to 5x a day gently rinse with warm water and then dry with cotton pad. Then apply the cream if dry or itchy. *Use a Q tip when applying the cream in the size of a grain of rice on each brow and be very gentle. Make sure your hands are clean before touching treated area* CeraVe or Aquaphor lotion are the only options for aftercare cream/lotion. The Following MUST be avoided 12 full days’ post Microblading/Combo Brows: *Increased Sweating *Sports and Swimming *Hot Sauna, Bath or Jacuzzi *Sun light or Sun Tanning beds *Any laser or chemical peel treatments including Retin A, Retinol, Glycolics *DO NOT touch the brow! Unless you are applying the post care with a Q-Tip *DO NOT get the brow WET in any way for 10 days other than as prescribed above. *DO NOT Pick or Scratch at scabs no matter how itchy they get. Premature peeling of the scab can cause redness, loss of pigment and potential scarring. Side sleepers please use a satin type pillowcase.
    ▪NO water, cleansers, creams, makeup or any other products on treated area for 10 days. ▪DO NOT rub, pick or scratch the treated area. Let any scabbing or dry skin naturally exfoliate off. Picking can cause scarring. ▪Avoid direct sun exposure or tanning for 3-4 weeks after procedure. ▪Avoid heavy sweating for the first 10 days. ▪NO facials, botox, chemical treatments and microdermabrasion for 4 weeks. ▪Avoid sleeping on your face for the first 10 days. ▪You may experience slightly puffy to swollen eyes, heavy lids, light sensitivity and bloodshot pupils. Your eyes may feel more swollen than they appear. Please try to sleep in an elevated position to help reduce swelling at night. You may not want to use your best pillowcase the first two nights. ▪Eyes will be swollen and perhaps ‘crusty’ upon waking. The swelling will disappear from being in an upright position and increasing circulation to the area. Avoid heavy lifting, physical exertion and crying. ▪Pigment within the epidermis will begin to flake off in little stitch looking lines, although some people do not notice the exfoliation at all. Do not scratch/ pick! ▪Blinking helps to eliminate the small pieces of pigment and epidermis which has detached. Do not scratch/ pick! ▪All shedding should be complete. You’re safe to put your face back in the shower spray. ▪ Long-term Care ▪Use a good sunscreen, sun exposure will fade your permanent cosmetics ▪If you are planning a chemical peel, laser procedure or an MRI scan, please inform the technician of your permanent cosmetics ▪ Approximate Daily Healing Schedule for Eyeliner 1 You may experience slightly puffy to swollen eyes, heavy lids, light sensitivity and bloodshot pupils. You eyes may feel more swollen than they appear. Please try to sleep in an elevated position to help reduce swelling at night. You may not want to use your best pillowcase the first two nights. 2 Eyes will be swollen and perhaps ‘crusty’ upon waking. The swelling will disappear from being in an upright position and increasing circulation to the area. Avoid heavy lifting, physical exertion and crying. 3 Pigment within the epidermis will begin to flake off in little stitch looking lines, although some people do not notice the exfoliation at all. Do not scratch/ pick! 4 IMPORTANT: The colour will become lighter as the epidermis sloughs off and the skin heals over the pigment. During this time the colour may seem to disappear, as the skin is opaque during this healing time. After a couple of weeks, the skin becomes translucent and the colour will bloom. It is not uncommon to lose the colour on the first application. Blinking helps to eliminate the small pieces of pigment and epidermis, which has detached. Do not scratch/ pick! All shedding should be complete. You’re safe to put your face back in the shower spray Now is the time to critique your eyeliner. The tattoo has become part of the dermis, seen under the epidermis.
  • LIPS
    First Week: It’s important to try not to get the tattoo wet during the healing process (5-7 days). Even though it is unlikely that the tattoo will remain dry for the entirety of the healing process, refrain from swimming or submerging the area in water for long periods of time for the first week of healing. Following this makeup tattoo aftercare procedure will ensure the formation of thin scabs thus more colour retention. Keep out of the sun for 7 days after you get your tattoo. ● FOR LIPS ONLY: Use Aquaphor to keep the tattoo protected while it heals and to soothe any discomfort such as itching or dryness. Avoid applying lip balms, lipstick, or other lip products during this time. Apply Aquaphor every 30-60 minutes for the first week to keep lips from drying out. ● AVOID touching any tattooed area with your hands. Apply all recommended products with Q-tips ONLY. If the area must be touched with hands, make sure you thoroughly wash your hands before and after touching the tattooed area. ● Day 3-4: When the scab starts to appear, do not wipe- only dab until dry; you must be gentle! Do not pull off the scabs prematurely. ● Week 2 or 3: After the procedure is completely healed, you may go back to your regular cleansing and makeup routine. Avoid scrubbing the area. Use sun block after the procedure area is healed to protect from sun fading. DO NOT: Scrub, rub, or pick at the epithelial crust that forms. Allow it to flake off by itself. If it is removed before it is ready, the pigment underneath it can be pulled out. ● Use any makeup on the tattooed area for at least 14 days. ● Use any Retin-A, Glycol Acids, or Neosporin in the tattooed area during or after healing. ● Expose area to sun or tanning beds. ● Swim in a pool for 14 days after your procedure. What is normal? Mild swelling, itching, light scabbing, light brushing and dry tightness. Ice packs are a nice relief for swelling and bruising. Aftercare ointments work well for scabbing and tightness. ●Too dark and slightly uneven appearance. After 2-7 days the darkness will fade, and once any swelling dissipates, unevenness usually disappears. Adjustments will be made during the touch-up appointment. ● Colour change or colour loss. As the procedure area heals, the colour will lighten and sometimes seem to disappear in places. This can be addressed during the touch up appointment, which is why touch up appointments are necessary. The procedure area has to heal completely before we can address any concerns. Healing takes about 4 weeks. An email photo consultation (or in person consolation) may be necessary to determine if you need a touch up or a repeat of the entire procedure. CAUTION If the skin around the tattooed area breaks into a heat rash, or small pimples, this is usually a reaction to the numbing solution and should go away on its own in a couple of weeks. Please do not pick at it! Call immediately if this occurs so a technician can make a note of the reaction and follow up to ensure this is not a more serious situation!
    Before you get your procedure done, make sure you have had a good breakfast or lunch. It's important for you to be comfortable and relaxed. In order to be comfortable, it is advised for you to wear a loose sports bra and a 2 piece outft, so you can easily take your top off to get the tattoo. You might be provided a disposable robe in the salon, but you might be more comfortable with your jeans or slacks on to keep you warm. Although there usually is no pain, you will be provided a topical anesthetic, if you feel that that is necessary. If you have a list of prescription medicines, please be ready to provide the list for your consent paperwork. After the procedure, your technician will provide you with your post procedure care and a few non-stick gauze pads to get started.
    What is eyebrow henna? • Eyebrow henna is the practice of using a mixture of henna powder to give the appearance of fuller/darker brows. The dye will effectively stain the skin for up to 2 weeks, depending on skin type and proper aftercare, resulting in a temporary tattoo look, filling any gaps a natural brow may have. The henna powder will also dye the hair for 4 to 8 weeks, further leaving the fullnees effect on the eyebrows. What does henna powder come from? • Henna powder comes from the lawsonia inermis plant, also known as the henna plant. This powder is mixed with distilled water to create a paste. Can this service be done on previous tattooing? • YES! You can do henna tint on microblading & machine eyebrow tattoos. Should I follow after care for my eyebrow henna? • Yes! Please see below. • Being that henna only stains the outer layer of skin one should be careful with over exfoliating the stained area. Avoid harsh soaps and chemicals as these products will cause the tattoo affect to fade soonner. ◦ Do not wet brows for 12 hours after treatment. ◦ Avoid rubbing brows. ◦ Do not apply cosmetics directly on brows for at least 24 hours ◦ Avoid sunbathing for 24 hours, as this can cause henna to fade ◦ Please note that oil based make up remover can cause henna to fade quicker ◦ Avoid saunas for at least 24 hours after your treatment ◦ Exposure to the sun/UV lights for long periods can cause henna to fade quicker ◦ Understand that oil breaks down stain. If you have oily/combination skin you may experience faster fading of henna.
    Please wait at least 14 days after any procedure Microblading before booking Lamination Brows. No water on the brow area for 24 hours after your procedure, so please plan accordingly. Come with NO makeup on the brows. DO NOT USE water based makeup remover. Apply vaseline, coconut oil, or nourishing hair oil, on a clean spoolie (mascara wand) to the brows ONCE A DAY (morning or night). You may wash your brows 24 hours after your procedure, and makeup can be worn at this time also.
    Clean contacts can be worn after the procedure. You CANNOT get Saline on lashes. No water, moisture, or mascara for 24 hrs after the procedure. DO NOT USE water based makeup remover. Apply vaseline, coconut oil, or nourishing hair oil, on a clean spoolie (mascara wand) to the lashes during the fist 24 hours. You may wash your face and eyes 24 hours after your procedure, and makeup can be worn at this time also.
    After your treatment, please be aware and observe the following: •Immediately after your treatment, you will look as though you have a moderate to severe sunburn and your skin may feel warm and tighter than usual. You may also notice some slight swelling, both are normal and should subside after 1 to 2 hours and will normally diminish within the same day or 24 hours. You may see slight redness after 24 hours but only in minimal areas or spots. •If you are concerned about any reaction, please call our office and contact your healthcare provider immediately. After-care instructions for MicroNeedling Treatment: •Use tepid water for the initial 24 hours to rinse the treated area. After 24 hours, use a gentle cleanser to cleanse the face for the following 72 hours and gently dry the treated skin. Always make sure that your hands are clean when touching the treated area. • Apply the SkinPen® lubricant provided for moisture over the next 24 hours. •Do not take any inflammatory medicines for at least 2 weeks post treatment. •It is recommended that makeup or sunscreen hould not be applied for 24 hours after the procedure. Do not apply any makeup with a makeup brush, especially if it is not clean. • After the initial 24 hours, apply a broad spectrum UVA/UVB sunscreen with a minimum SPF 30 for two weeks. A chemical-free sunscreen is highly recommended. What to Avoid: •For at least 3 days post treatment, do NOT use any Alpha Hydroxy Acids, Beta Hydroxy Acid, Retinol (Vitamin A), Vitamin C (in a low pH formula) or anything perceived as ‘active’ skincare. •Avoid intentional and direct sunlight for 48 hours. No tanning beds. •Do not go swimming for at least 24 hours post-treatment. •No exercising or strenuous activity for the first 24 hours post-treatment. Sweating and gym environments must be avoided during the first 72 hours post-treatment.
    The area treated may show redness and swelling and the colour may look darker and more intense than desired – this is very normal. Additional treatments cannot be undertaken until the area has completely healed and that time frame is at the discretion of the technician. A 4 to 6 week healing time is required before any further work can be done. In order to let your brows heal well avoid water on the brow area, makeup on the brow area, the gym, a sauna or swimming pool for 7 days. Once the area has completely healed (approximately one week) you may consider wearing sunblock on the treated area to reduce colour fading due to the sun although we recommend avoiding sun exposure for 2 full weeks after your services. Once completely healed you should wear sunblock on your brows (applied during your skin care routine) to protect your results from prematurely fading. Strong chemicals, Glycolic Acids or peels of any kind may cause lightening of the pigments. Always call and check with your technician if in any doubt prior to usage of these skin products or procedures. DO NOT PICK OR PULL at the treated area as it will result in pigment loss or scarring. We can tell when the area has been picked or scratched at. YOU WILL GO THROUGH 3 HEALING PHASES: 1-HEAL, 2- PEEL, 3-FADE You may notice whiteness or blanching around the area – this is quite normal and will subside with in 12 hours and is due to the Lidocaine. If you have any lymphatic fluid (plasma) or blood weeping from the area you may gently clean the area with saline, cool pre-boiled water and gauze blotting gently dry to remove any moisture. With clean hands and a cotton swab you may apply a fine layer of after care balm to the treated area. Repeat this treatment up to 3 times daily if the area feels tight. Some clients report seeing the ink fade almost completely then reappearing. This is not uncommon and sometimes part of the healing phase. After the fine scabbing has sloughed away you will see a different hue to the colour implanted. IMPORTANT FACTS: *Giving Blood – The Red Cross has suggested that you do not give blood for 6 months following your procedure. *MRI Scans – This procedure shows up as and artifact on these scans. Some clients may experience a tingling sensation. Please notify your radiologist. *Injectables – Dermal fillers and Botox can alter the shape of the eyebrows. The client should be advised that injectables should be carried out after a microblading procedure and not prior to. *Laser/Pulsed Light – Laser or pulsed light hair removal or skin rejuvenation can cause color change. It is important to advise the technician that you have had the Microblading procedure as this cannot be rectified with another Microblading procedure. This is a TATTOO and a WOUND. The end outcome depends on how well you care for it. It is essential to follow these post care instructions. The slightest hindrance can compromise the outcome of your tattoo. Day 1 (Day of Treatment): Blot Brows all day today to remove any Lymphatic fluid buildup. (oily and dry skin) Day 2-10 - Oily skin: Dry healing. Rinse brows only 1-2 times a day. Apply cream very sparingly only as needed or if itchy. Day 2 - 10 - Dry and Normal Skin: Rinse 3 to 5x a day gently rinse with warm water and then dry with cotton pad. Then apply the cream if dry or itchy. *Use a Q tip when applying the cream in the size of a grain of rice on each brow and be very gentle. Make sure your hands are clean before touching treated area* CeraVe or Aquaphor lotion are the only options for aftercare cream/lotion. The Following MUST be avoided 12 full days’ post Microblading/Combo Brows: *Increased Sweating *Sports and Swimming *Hot Sauna, Bath or Jacuzzi *Sun light or Sun Tanning beds *Any laser or chemical peel treatments including Retin A, Retinol, Glycolics *DO NOT touch the brow! Unless you are applying the post care with a Q-Tip *DO NOT get the brow WET in any way for 10 days other than as prescribed above. *DO NOT Pick or Scratch at scabs no matter how itchy they get. Premature peeling of the scab can cause redness, loss of pigment and potential scarring. Side sleepers please use a satin type pillowcase.
    ▪NO water, cleansers, creams, makeup or any other products on treated area for 10 days. ▪DO NOT rub, pick or scratch the treated area. Let any scabbing or dry skin naturally exfoliate off. Picking can cause scarring. ▪Avoid direct sun exposure or tanning for 3-4 weeks after procedure. ▪Avoid heavy sweating for the first 10 days. ▪NO facials, botox, chemical treatments and microdermabrasion for 4 weeks. ▪Avoid sleeping on your face for the first 10 days. ▪You may experience slightly puffy to swollen eyes, heavy lids, light sensitivity and bloodshot pupils. Your eyes may feel more swollen than they appear. Please try to sleep in an elevated position to help reduce swelling at night. You may not want to use your best pillowcase the first two nights. ▪Eyes will be swollen and perhaps ‘crusty’ upon waking. The swelling will disappear from being in an upright position and increasing circulation to the area. Avoid heavy lifting, physical exertion and crying. ▪Pigment within the epidermis will begin to flake off in little stitch looking lines, although some people do not notice the exfoliation at all. Do not scratch/ pick! ▪Blinking helps to eliminate the small pieces of pigment and epidermis which has detached. Do not scratch/ pick! ▪All shedding should be complete. You’re safe to put your face back in the shower spray. ▪ Long-term Care ▪Use a good sunscreen, sun exposure will fade your permanent cosmetics ▪If you are planning a chemical peel, laser procedure or an MRI scan, please inform the technician of your permanent cosmetics ▪ Approximate Daily Healing Schedule for Eyeliner 1 You may experience slightly puffy to swollen eyes, heavy lids, light sensitivity and bloodshot pupils. You eyes may feel more swollen than they appear. Please try to sleep in an elevated position to help reduce swelling at night. You may not want to use your best pillowcase the first two nights. 2 Eyes will be swollen and perhaps ‘crusty’ upon waking. The swelling will disappear from being in an upright position and increasing circulation to the area. Avoid heavy lifting, physical exertion and crying. 3 Pigment within the epidermis will begin to flake off in little stitch looking lines, although some people do not notice the exfoliation at all. Do not scratch/ pick! 4 IMPORTANT: The colour will become lighter as the epidermis sloughs off and the skin heals over the pigment. During this time the colour may seem to disappear, as the skin is opaque during this healing time. After a couple of weeks, the skin becomes translucent and the colour will bloom. It is not uncommon to lose the colour on the first application. Blinking helps to eliminate the small pieces of pigment and epidermis, which has detached. Do not scratch/ pick! All shedding should be complete. You’re safe to put your face back in the shower spray Now is the time to critique your eyeliner. The tattoo has become part of the dermis, seen under the epidermis.
  • LIPS
    First Week: It’s important to try not to get the tattoo wet during the healing process (5-7 days). Even though it is unlikely that the tattoo will remain dry for the entirety of the healing process, refrain from swimming or submerging the area in water for long periods of time for the first week of healing. Following this makeup tattoo aftercare procedure will ensure the formation of thin scabs thus more colour retention. Keep out of the sun for 7 days after you get your tattoo. ● FOR LIPS ONLY: Use Aquaphor to keep the tattoo protected while it heals and to soothe any discomfort such as itching or dryness. Avoid applying lip balms, lipstick, or other lip products during this time. Apply Aquaphor every 30-60 minutes for the first week to keep lips from drying out. ● AVOID touching any tattooed area with your hands. Apply all recommended products with Q-tips ONLY. If the area must be touched with hands, make sure you thoroughly wash your hands before and after touching the tattooed area. ● Day 3-4: When the scab starts to appear, do not wipe- only dab until dry; you must be gentle! Do not pull off the scabs prematurely. ● Week 2 or 3: After the procedure is completely healed, you may go back to your regular cleansing and makeup routine. Avoid scrubbing the area. Use sun block after the procedure area is healed to protect from sun fading. DO NOT: Scrub, rub, or pick at the epithelial crust that forms. Allow it to flake off by itself. If it is removed before it is ready, the pigment underneath it can be pulled out. ● Use any makeup on the tattooed area for at least 14 days. ● Use any Retin-A, Glycol Acids, or Neosporin in the tattooed area during or after healing. ● Expose area to sun or tanning beds. ● Swim in a pool for 14 days after your procedure. What is normal? Mild swelling, itching, light scabbing, light brushing and dry tightness. Ice packs are a nice relief for swelling and bruising. Aftercare ointments work well for scabbing and tightness. ●Too dark and slightly uneven appearance. After 2-7 days the darkness will fade, and once any swelling dissipates, unevenness usually disappears. Adjustments will be made during the touch-up appointment. ● Colour change or colour loss. As the procedure area heals, the colour will lighten and sometimes seem to disappear in places. This can be addressed during the touch up appointment, which is why touch up appointments are necessary. The procedure area has to heal completely before we can address any concerns. Healing takes about 4 weeks. An email photo consultation (or in person consolation) may be necessary to determine if you need a touch up or a repeat of the entire procedure. CAUTION If the skin around the tattooed area breaks into a heat rash, or small pimples, this is usually a reaction to the numbing solution and should go away on its own in a couple of weeks. Please do not pick at it! Call immediately if this occurs so a technician can make a note of the reaction and follow up to ensure this is not a more serious situation!
    Before you get your procedure done, make sure you have had a good breakfast or lunch. It's important for you to be comfortable and relaxed. In order to be comfortable, it is advised for you to wear a loose sports bra and a 2 piece outft, so you can easily take your top off to get the tattoo. You might be provided a disposable robe in the salon, but you might be more comfortable with your jeans or slacks on to keep you warm. Although there usually is no pain, you will be provided a topical anesthetic, if you feel that that is necessary. If you have a list of prescription medicines, please be ready to provide the list for your consent paperwork. After the procedure, your technician will provide you with your post procedure care and a few non-stick gauze pads to get started.
    What is eyebrow henna? • Eyebrow henna is the practice of using a mixture of henna powder to give the appearance of fuller/darker brows. The dye will effectively stain the skin for up to 2 weeks, depending on skin type and proper aftercare, resulting in a temporary tattoo look, filling any gaps a natural brow may have. The henna powder will also dye the hair for 4 to 8 weeks, further leaving the fullnees effect on the eyebrows. What does henna powder come from? • Henna powder comes from the lawsonia inermis plant, also known as the henna plant. This powder is mixed with distilled water to create a paste. Can this service be done on previous tattooing? • YES! You can do henna tint on microblading & machine eyebrow tattoos. Should I follow after care for my eyebrow henna? • Yes! Please see below. • Being that henna only stains the outer layer of skin one should be careful with over exfoliating the stained area. Avoid harsh soaps and chemicals as these products will cause the tattoo affect to fade soonner. ◦ Do not wet brows for 12 hours after treatment. ◦ Avoid rubbing brows. ◦ Do not apply cosmetics directly on brows for at least 24 hours ◦ Avoid sunbathing for 24 hours, as this can cause henna to fade ◦ Please note that oil based make up remover can cause henna to fade quicker ◦ Avoid saunas for at least 24 hours after your treatment ◦ Exposure to the sun/UV lights for long periods can cause henna to fade quicker ◦ Understand that oil breaks down stain. If you have oily/combination skin you may experience faster fading of henna.
    Please wait at least 14 days after any procedure Microblading before booking Lamination Brows. No water on the brow area for 24 hours after your procedure, so please plan accordingly. Come with NO makeup on the brows. DO NOT USE water based makeup remover. Apply vaseline, coconut oil, or nourishing hair oil, on a clean spoolie (mascara wand) to the brows ONCE A DAY (morning or night). You may wash your brows 24 hours after your procedure, and makeup can be worn at this time also.
    Clean contacts can be worn after the procedure. You CANNOT get Saline on lashes. No water, moisture, or mascara for 24 hrs after the procedure. DO NOT USE water based makeup remover. Apply vaseline, coconut oil, or nourishing hair oil, on a clean spoolie (mascara wand) to the lashes during the fist 24 hours. You may wash your face and eyes 24 hours after your procedure, and makeup can be worn at this time also.
    After your treatment, please be aware and observe the following: •Immediately after your treatment, you will look as though you have a moderate to severe sunburn and your skin may feel warm and tighter than usual. You may also notice some slight swelling, both are normal and should subside after 1 to 2 hours and will normally diminish within the same day or 24 hours. You may see slight redness after 24 hours but only in minimal areas or spots. •If you are concerned about any reaction, please call our office and contact your healthcare provider immediately. After-care instructions for MicroNeedling Treatment: •Use tepid water for the initial 24 hours to rinse the treated area. After 24 hours, use a gentle cleanser to cleanse the face for the following 72 hours and gently dry the treated skin. Always make sure that your hands are clean when touching the treated area. • Apply the SkinPen® lubricant provided for moisture over the next 24 hours. •Do not take any inflammatory medicines for at least 2 weeks post treatment. •It is recommended that makeup or sunscreen hould not be applied for 24 hours after the procedure. Do not apply any makeup with a makeup brush, especially if it is not clean. • After the initial 24 hours, apply a broad spectrum UVA/UVB sunscreen with a minimum SPF 30 for two weeks. A chemical-free sunscreen is highly recommended. What to Avoid: •For at least 3 days post treatment, do NOT use any Alpha Hydroxy Acids, Beta Hydroxy Acid, Retinol (Vitamin A), Vitamin C (in a low pH formula) or anything perceived as ‘active’ skincare. •Avoid intentional and direct sunlight for 48 hours. No tanning beds. •Do not go swimming for at least 24 hours post-treatment. •No exercising or strenuous activity for the first 24 hours post-treatment. Sweating and gym environments must be avoided during the first 72 hours post-treatment.
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